Take Muscle Testing Up a Notch with Neurokinetic Therapy

NKT treatment is a complex form of therapy that aims to address the dysfunctional movement patterns stored in the brain. We’re here to help you regain the quality of your life, and we’re more than happy to be a part of your healing journey.

A man riding a wave on top of a surfboardA man riding a wave on top of a surfboard

Neurokinetic Therapy

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie

What Is Neurokinetic Therapy NKT?

Neurokinetic Therapy or NKT is one of the more specialized methods of rehabilitating patients suffering from a huge variety of conditions. In NKT, a thorough examination of the whole body through muscle testing enables specialists to properly diagnose any imbalances in the muscles as well as pinpoint the dysfunctions that could cause bigger issues.​

Hyperhealth clinic is a place where your neuro kinetic therapy needs are met.

Certified professionals employ different methods and special exercises to allow patients to optimize their bodily movements so they can regain full functionality.

Hyperhealth Clinic helps in patient's recovery from sports-related injuries.

Reputable Neurokinetic Therapy Clinic

Our multidisciplinary healthcare clinic believes that everyone deserves to live a pain free life, so we help patients achieve this through our various services. If you feel a physical disconnection when it comes to your mobility, we have specialists who can test and diagnose your condition and provide the appropriate treatment.

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Marrickville therapists

Neurokinetic Therapy Work?

A man riding a wave on top of a surfboard

How Does Neurokinetic Therapy Work?

Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT), in simple terms, is a form of therapy that aims to help the body heal by equipping it with the means to relearn and unlearn certain movements and the corresponding muscle functions they’re attached to. Muscle testing that utilizes touch and pressure retrains the brain and any residual muscle memory and any corresponding movement patterns tied to it.​

Simply put, NKT treatment is a form of brain reprogramming in the motor control centre that aims to address pain or discomfort and find the source that traditional medical testing cannot find. When a body part sustains an injury, some affected muscles will get weaker or stop working altogether. When this happens, other muscles will overcompensate so the person can resume their activities. This overcompensation will manifest itself as tightness and discomfort.

Hyperhealth provides  treatments for sciatica and pinched nerves.

​During therapy, the practitioner will ask you to resist the pressure they will apply on the affected area. This allows them to assess the strength or weakness of the specific muscles involved. This will also serve as a guide for them to accurately determine the source of the pain while retraining the dormant muscles to respond. In a sense, the practitioner is waking up the muscles and telling them that they should start cooperating with the other muscles again.​

In a way, NKT treatment is simply the process of breaking a long-term pattern of overcompensation in certain muscle groups. On a neural level, the NKT protocol enables reprogramming so that dysfunctional patterns are stopped and the overworked muscles can start healing.

Hyperhealth is specialzied in Inner west massage Therapy and podiatry services.

What Conditions Can NKT Treat?

Neurokinetic therapy or NKT is both a rehabilitation method as well as a form of evaluation for chronic pain and discomfort. It can be used for the following conditions:

  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sports injuries
  • Joint dysfunction
  • Old scars from previous injuries
  • Chronic or unresolved pain with undetermined cause
  • Muscle tightness

With the help of NKT, the practitioner can diagnose the cause of the pain quickly because the source becomes more apparent as they test and treat the affected areas. The patient’s reaction to the pressure and positions will guide the practitioner and determine the root cause of the discomfort. Patients should expect a combination of personalized exercises that are designed to reveal the degree of dysfunction and how they can be fixed.

If you need help with ‘mysterious’ chronic pain that you want to get rid of, schedule a consultation with Hyper Health. We look forward to helping you heal with our services.

Book an NKT Consultation

Know if Neurokinetic Therapy Is for You

Hyperhealth is specialzied in Inner west massage Therapy and podiatry services.

Chronic and difficult to diagnose pain is something that you shouldn’t have to deal with. Regain the quality of your life by trying Neurokinetic therapy. Schedule a consultation to know if this therapy is for you and whether it can help the specific condition you’re suffering from

Book an NKT Assessment Today
Hyperhealth Chiropractic Clinic has highly trained podiatrists providing best treatments for health problems.

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